2024 5th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Intelligent Control (ICCEIC 2024)
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Prof. Shengli Xie, Foreign member of the Russian Academy of Engineering, IEEE Fellow, 

Winner of the National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation, Guangdong University of Technology, China


Shengli Xie (Fellow, IEEE) received the M.S. degree in mathematics from Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China, in 1992, and the Ph.D. degree in control theory and applications from the South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, in 1997.,He is currently the Director of the Laboratory for Intelligent Information Processing (LIIP) and a Full Professor with the Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou. He has authored or coauthored two monographs and more than 100 scientific articles published in journals and conference proceedings. His current research interests include automatic control and signal processing, especially blind signal processing and image processing.


Prof. Zibin Zheng, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, Sun Yat-sen University, China


ZibinZheng, Professor, PhD, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, ACM Distinguished Scientist, Global Highly Cited Scientist, National Outstanding Young Scientist Fund Recipient, Deputy Director of National Digital Home Engineering and Technology Research Centre, Director of Guangdong Blockchain Engineering and Technology Research Centre. He has published many papers with more than 37,000 Google Scholar citations and H-index of 89. He has presided over a number of projects such as the National Key Research and Development Programme and the Natural Science Foundation of China, etc. He has received the Second Prize of Natural Science from the Ministry of Education of China, the Second Prize of Artificial Intelligence from W.J. Wu, the ACM China Rising Star Nominee, the IEEE TCSVC Rising Star Award, the CCF Service Award, the Outstanding Youth Award from the Special Committee on Computing, and the ACM Distinguished Scientist Award. Computing Specialised Committee Outstanding Youth Award, ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, ICWS Best Student Paper Award, etc.; served as Associate Editor of TOSEM, TSC, TVT, OJCS and other journals; served as a member of ICSS2022, IEEE SMDS2021, BlockSys2019, CollaborateCom 2016; PC Co-Chair for ICSOC2023, SC22019, ICIOT2018 and IoV2014.


Prof. Dapeng Wu, IEEE Fellow, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China


Dapeng Oliver Wu (S'98--M'04--SM'06--F'13)  received a B.E. degree in electrical engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 1990, an M.E. degree in electrical engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China, in 1997, and a Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, in 2003.
He is Yeung Kin Man Chair Professor of Network Science, and Chair Professor of Data Engineering at the Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong.  Previously, he was on the faculty of University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA and was the director of NSF Center for Big Learning, USA.  His research interests are in the areas of networking, communications, signal processing, computer vision, machine learning, smart grid, and information and network security. He received University of Florida Term Professorship Award in 2017, University of Florida Research Foundation Professorship Award in 2009, AFOSR Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award in 2009, ONR Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award in 2008, NSF CAREER award in 2007, the IEEE Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT) Transactions Best Paper Award for Year 2001, and the Best Paper Awards in IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 and International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks (QShine) 2006.
He has served as Editor in Chief of IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Editor-at-Large for IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, founding Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Advances in Multimedia, and Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. He is also a guest-editor for IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special Issue on Cross-layer Optimized Wireless Multimedia Communications and Special Issue on Airborne Communication Networks.  He has served as Technical Program Committee (TPC) Chair for IEEE INFOCOM 2012, and TPC chair for IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008), Signal Processing for Communications Symposium, and as a member of executive committee and/or technical program committee of over 100 conferences. He was elected as a Distinguished Lecturer by  IEEE Vehicular Technology Society in 2016.  He has served as Chair for the Award Committee, and Chair of Mobile and wireless multimedia Interest Group (MobIG), Technical Committee on Multimedia Communications, IEEE Communications Society. He was an elected member of Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee, IEEE Signal Processing Society from Jan. 1, 2009 to Dec. 31, 2012.  He is an IEEE Fellow.


Prof. Simon K.S. Cheung, Director of Information Technology, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, China


Dr. Cheung is currently the Director of IT at the Hong Kong Metropolitan University. He received his BSc and PhD in Computer Science and Master of Public Administration from the City University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong respectively. He was admitted as IET fellow, IMA fellow, BCS fellow, CMA fellow, HKIE fellow, HKCS fellow. He is active in research, with over 200 publications in the form of books, book chapters, journal articles and conference papers in two distinct areas, namely, software and system engineering, and technology in education. He won the Outstanding Research Publication Award from the Open University of Hong Kong in 2016, 1st class Achievement in Computer and IT from Shenzhen Science and Technology Association in 2016, 1st class Outstanding CIO Award from the Hong Kong IT Joint Council in 2015, and Honoree for IT Excellence from the CIO Asia in 2015. He has been listed in Who’s Who in Science and Engineering since 2007.

Title:A Property-Preserving Synthesis Approach to Component-based Software Engineering

Abstract: Design correctness is always required in component-based software engineering to ensure that the system is free from erroneous situations such as deadlock and capacity overflow, especially for distributed systems with concurrent processes competing some shared resources. This presentation describes a formal and mathematically sound approach based on augmented marked graphs. With a special structure readily used for modelling systems with shared resources, augmented marked graphs possess desirable properties pertaining to liveness (implying freeness of deadlock) and boundedness (implying freeness of capacity overflow. These properties can be preserved under certain conditions after composition. When applying to component-based software design for distributed systems with shared resources, each system component can be modelled as an augmented marked graph. Liveness and boundedness of the individual system components can be analyzed, based on the properties of augmented marked graphs. By composing them via shared resources, the liveness and boundedness of the integrated system can be derived, based on the property-preserving composition.